Kids, Teens & Families

Child Dedications
Next Dedication Date:
Sunday, September 10

Small Groups For Teens
Connecting with God and others is why the Church exists. We want to help you find a Small Group for your teen (5th -12th grade). Our Small Groups are seasonal and meet in person, in homes and at the church. Click here to start the process of finding the right Small Group for your teen!

Trinity Kids Directors
Monica Allan & Stephanie MacMiller
Monica and Stephanie bring their mothers’ hearts, organizational talents and love for children to the nursery, pre-k and elementary ministries at Trinity Dallas. Their mission is conscientious care with Christ-centered values and curriculum – providing a Biblical foundation for our youngest generation.
Trinity Youth
Yonnic & Madi Land
From small groups, prayer, camp and special events, Yonnic and his team of leaders enjoy modeling Jesus’ love and discipleship, as well as encouraging each and every pre-teen and teen to pursue the Lord, the Holy Spirit and His Word with their whole lives.