What is A Vision Builder?
Vision Builder: One who catches the vision for the church. Vision Builders stand and build the vision together for this generation and the generations to come.
“Where there is no prophetic vision, the people cast off restraint…”
— PROVERBS 29:18 (ESV)
We are so excited about the powerful vision that God has given to Pastors Joe and Nancy for the future of Trinity Dallas! We are committed to fully funding our Vision Partners through foreign and local outreach along side our local and global church partners.

“Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it.
For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie.
Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, It will not tarry.”
— Habakkuk 2:2-3
What is a Vision Partner?
A Vision Partner is someone who carries and runs with the vision of the Trinity Dallas. We stand, and we build the vision together—for us, our children and our children’s children.

Vision Partners
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Care Center Ministries
CareCenter Ministries was founded in 1986 by Pastor Eldred Sawyer and his wife Jean-Marie, with a calling to address the issues of addiction, poverty and crime through the power of the Gospel. What began with a small food pantry has now grown to become one of the leading care giving ministries in the heart of urban Dallas! This ministry takes an all-encompassing approach to healing our city through a variety of Gospel-centered programs.
His Plan
His Plan was created in 2015 by Ed and Deborah Blair to change lives through mentorship, Christian education and basic needs servicing low-income, inner city children. Their first initiative, “HIS Girl”, became a bi-monthly mentorship club for 1st grade thru college age girls. Bible studies, worship times, meals and retreats are all a part of the HIS Girl outreach. Along side Youth With A Mission of Dallas, His Plan leads a mentorship meeting for young mothers and married women in East Dallas called “Women of the Word” aka “WOW!” Additionally, HIS Plan assists young nonprofits and small churches in their development through consulting, planning resources and financial assistance. Some of the beneficiaries of their efforts include YWAM Dallas, Left In America Organization and Junius Heights Baptist Church.
Youth With A Mission Dallas
Youth With A Mission, also known as “YWAM” is an international volunteer movement of Christians from many backgrounds, cultures and Christian traditions, dedicated to reaching and serving the youth of the world. The Dallas chapter, simply known as YWAM Dallas, is located in East Dallas and has been ingrained in the community since it was pioneered in 1992 by David Funke and a team of fellow missionaries. From their humble beginnings in an east Dallas home, purchased for the grand total of $1, ministry programs have grown to involve hundreds of young people in a variety of groups that meet weekly and on special occasions throughout the year. Their efforts include afterschool programs and summer camps for elementary and high school age children, a discipleship home for young men in addition to facilitating outreach teams sent to Dallas from around the globe!
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Cultivate Leadership
Cultivate Leadership was established in 2010 by Kevin and Lisa Evans for the purpose of growing leaders for global impact. The focus of this ministry is to reach, equip and mentor the next generation of spiritual leaders for urban church planting, beginning in China and into other regions of East Asia. In addition to leading Cultivate, Kevin and Lisa are pastors at Shanghai West International Fellowship in Shanghai, China.
Victory World Missions
Ginger Carman and her late husband, Dr. Rob Carman, founded Victory World Missions with a mission to go into the world to help and assist thousands of pastors and leaders worldwide. Ginger and Rob were in ministry together for over 41 years before his recent passing.
Missions have always been the heartbeat and passion of the Carmans, and that did not change with the passing of her husband. The work of Victory World Missions continues as Ginger oversees projects in countries such as Botswana, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Bulgaria, Mexico and Papua New Guinea. These exciting projects include building a wall around a church building in Mozambique, a roof project in Bulgaria, an orphanage in Botswana, and food outreaches in Mexico. The most recent project is the construction and completion of a nurses’ quarters in the nation of Papua New Guinea.
Ginger and Rob became members of Trinity Dallas in 2002, and Pastor Rob was a frequent guest speaker in our services. We are excited to partner with Victory World Missions and their vision – building on the legacy of Dr. Carman and the continued work of his precious wife, Ginger.
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Daniel and Doina Matei
Daniel and his wife, Doina, have been the leaders of Agape Church in Timisoara, Romania, for 26 years. When they were led to plant the church in June 1990, Agape Church was the first charismatic church in Romania. Since then, God has opened many doors and over 50 spirit-filled churches have been planted all over the nation of Romania! Prior to their ministry in Romania, Daniel and Doina spent several years in the USA and served as missionaries in China. Their heart is for their home country of Romania to recognize and declare that Jesus Christ is Lord!
Roger Wolcott
Apostle Roger Wolcott has planted dozens of successful local churches throughout Mexico and he is the founder of Castillo del Rey, “The King’s Castle,” a network of churches in Mexico that are reaching the nation and making disciples all across the country. He is also the founder of Instituto del Rey Christian School, the first Christian primary school in Monterrey, Mexico. Roger continues to minister all across Mexico, encouraging the churches he has planted and overseeing the many leaders under his care.
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Patrick & Abigail Bores
Abigail Bores is our very own, born and raised, Trinity Dallas missionary. Abigail is the daughter of Matthew and Jane Rowland, our Uptown Campus pastors. Abigail is one of our life-long church members and a former staff member. Abigail received a call from God to serve in short term missions with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) located in Lakeside, Montana. Abigail is a full-time staff member at YWAM and is involved in student training, mission trip leading and she serves as a mentor to some of the hundreds of new YWAM participants that come through Lakeside, Montana every year. Abigail and Patrick, her husband, have been called to serve YWAM in Lakeside with a long-term goal of establishing a YWAM center in the nation of Nepal.