Service Times:
9:00am & 11:00am

4300 Cole Avenue
Dallas, TX 75205

Google Map


Service Times:

4050 Herschel Avenue
Dallas, TX 75219

Google Map

We are a God-seeking, Christ-centered,
Spirit-filled Church.

One church. Two locations. Three campuses.

C3 Trinity Kids · Preschool · May, 2020 Lemonade Stand


In Genesis, we learn that people are wonderfully made by God. He made us, and He loves us.
We learn in Luke 15:11-24 about a father who loved his son no matter what, Jesus told this story to show us that God loves us no matter what too. In fact, God loves us so much that He sent Jesus to be our friend forever.

Teaching Truth:

Who loves you? God loves you.

Say This:

God loves me.

Do This:

When you go into your child’s room, say, “Good morning! It’s time to wake up! God loves us so much, He gave us another amazing day to enjoy!”

Memory Verse:

“Nothing at all can ever separate us from God’s love.”

C3 Trinity Kids · School Age · May, 2020 UNSTUCK: Don’t Give Up


Our Bible stories this month come from the Gospels, where Jesus gives his final commands to the disciples before He ascends to Heaven. Jesus also promises that the Holy Spirit will come and reside with us to be our Comforter and give us boldness to share Jesus with our friends.

This month’s Bible stories remind us to keep going! Even when it seems impossible, God gives you what you need to keep going. He will help you keep going even when it gets tough. Keep going because God knows the end of the story, and His love wins!

Teaching Truth

DETERMINATION: Deciding it’s worth it to finish what you started. Don’t quit, even when things get hard.

Say This:

I will keep going even when I have questions.

Do This:

Ask God to help you run the race or finish what you start, even when it seems impossible.

Memory Verse:

“Let us not become tired of doing good. At the right time we will gather a crop if we don’t give up.” Galatians 6:9, NIrV